Common Ophthalmic - Ophthalmological - Optometric Abbreviations
Posted: 02 Jan 2024, 09:31
AACG acute angle closure glaucoma
AAU acute anterior uveitis
ABD Abduction, Turn out
AC Allen Card
AC or A/C anterior chamber
AC/A accommodative convergence per unit of accommodative response
ACC accomodation
ACD anterior chamber depth
ACG angle closure glaucoma
ACIOL anterior chamber intraocular lens
ACT alternate cover test
ADD adduction, turn in, Add
AFGE air fluid gas exchange
AFT/AFTS artificial tears
AFX air fluid exchange
AG Alphagan
AGFX air fluid exchange
AGV Ahmed glaucoma valve
AION acute ischemic optic neuropaty
AL axial length
ALK automated lamellar keratoplasty
ALN Allen Pictures
ALP argon focal laser
ALT argon laser trabeculoplasty
AMD age-related macular degeneration
AMG amniotic membrane graft
AMT amniotic membrane transplant
APCT alternate prism cover test
APD afferent pupillary defect
ARC abnormal retinal correspondence
ARMD age-related macular degeneration
ARN acute retinal necrosis
ARx autorefraction
ASA Aspirina acetylsalicylic acid
ASC anterior subcapsular cataract
AT artificial tears
ATD aqueous tear deficiency
ATR against the rule (referring to astigmatism)
atro atropine
AV anterior vitreous
B bilateral
b.d. twice daily
BCL bandage contact lens
BCVA best corrected visual acuity
BD Base down
BDR background diabetic retinopathy
BI Base in
BID twice daily
BILT IOOA Bilateral Inferior Oblique Over Action
BLL bilateral lower lid
BLLB bilateral lower lid blepharoplasty
BLR Bilateral Lateral Rectus
BMR Bilateral Medial Rectus
BO Base out
BOT No Tears or Breaks in Retina
BP blood pressure
BRAO branch retinal artery occlusion
BRVO branch retinal vein occlusion
BSCL bandage soft contact lens
BSL bandage Soft Contact Lens
BU base up
BUL bilateral upper lid
BULB bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty
BUT Tear Break Up
BV binocular vision OR blood vessel
BVS borderline visually significant
C with
C/D cup to disk ratio
C/O complications
c/o complain of
C/S conjunctiva/sclera
C3F8 perfluoropropane
CA corneal abrasion
CACG chronic angle closure glaucoma
CAG conjunctival autograft
cat cataract
CB ciliary body
CC Cortical Clouding, Cataract
CC with correction
CCT central corneal thickness
CDR cup to disk ratio
CE cataract extraction
CE/IOL cataract extraction with intraocular lens implant
CEIOL cataract extraction with intraocular lens implant
CF counting fingers
CHBL Check / Change / Bandage Lens
CHRPE congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium
CL contact lens
CL THERA Contact Lens Therapeutic Contacts
CME cystoid macular edema
CMT central macular thickness
CMV Cytomegalovirus
CNV choroidal neovascularization
CNVM choroidal neovascular membrane
COAG chronic open-angle glaucoma
CORAB Corneal Abrasion
Cos Cosopt
CPC cyclophotocoagulation
CPM Continue Present Management
CR cycloplegic refraction
CRAO central retinal artery occlusion
CRS chorioretinal scar
CRVO central retinal vein occlusion
CRX cycloplegic refraction
CS cortical spoking
CSC cortical spoking cataract
CSCR central serous chorioretinopathy
CSDME clinically significant diabetic macular edema
CSM central, steady, maintained
CSME clinically significant macular edema
CSR central serous retinopathy
CT cover test
CTL contact lens
CTM continue to monitor
CWS cotton wool spots
D descement OR diopter
D/C discontinue
d/c Discharge
D&Q Deep and Quiet
DALK Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty
DBH dot blot hemorrhage
DCC dacryocystocele
DCCF dural carotid-cavernous fistula
DCP deep capillary plexus
DCR dacryocystorhinostomy
DD disc diameter
DED dry eye disease
DES dry eye syndrome
DFE dilated fundus exam
dil dilate
DM diabetes mellitus
DME diabetic macular edema
DMEK descement membrane endothelial keratoplasty
DMR Double Maddox Rod
DMVP Disc, Macula,Vessels, and Periphery
DQ deep and quiet
DR diabetic retinopathy
DSAEK descement stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty
DSEK Endothelial Keratoplasty
DVA distance visual acuity
E esoforia
E endolaser
E' Esophoria at Near
E'(T) Intermittent Esotropia at Near
E(T) intermittent esotropia
EBMD epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
ECCE extracapsular cataract extraction
ECP Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation
EDTA Chemical Removal of Calcium Deposits
EKC epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
EL endolaser
ELP effective lens position
EOM Extraocular Movement
EOM Extraocular Muscle
EOMB Extraocular Muscle balance
EOMI extraocular movements intact
ERM epiretinal membrane
ET esotropia
ET esotropia for distance
ET' esotropia for near
EUA Exam under Anesthesia
Ext external
EZ ellipsoid zone
F + F Fix and Follow
F/U Follow-up
FA fluorescein angiography
FAF fundus autofluorescence
FAx air fluid exchange
FAZ foveal avascular zone
FB foreign body
FBG fasting blood glucose
FH family history
Fhx family history
Flt flat
FTCF full to counting fingers
FTG full time glasses
FTMH full thickness macular hole
FTP full time patch
FUCHS Fuchs Endothelial Corneal dystrophy
GAT goldmann applanation tonometer
GATT gonioscopy assistend transluminal trabeculectomy
GCC ganglion cell complex
GDI glaucoma drainage implant
gl glasses
GLC glaucoma
GLREF Glasses Refraction
GP gas permeable
GPC giant papillary conjunctivitis
GREM Growth Removal
GS glaucoma suspect
GT Glasses trouble
GT Drop (1)
GTT drops
GTTS drops
GVF goldmann visual field
H/O History of
HCL hard contact lens
HCQ hydroxychloroquine
HD high definition
HM hand motion
HRAO hemi-retinal artery occlusion
HRVO hemi-retinal vein occlusion
HST horseshoe tear
HSV herpes simplex virus
HVF humphrey visual field
HZO herpes zoster ophthalmicus
HZV Herpez Zoster virus
I Indirect laser
i.c. Between Meals
ICCE intracapsular cataract extraction
ICG indocyanine green angiography
ICP intermediate capillary plexus
IMG Inspissateed Meibomian Glands
IN inferonasal
INT-REQ Interpreter Requested
IO inferior oblique
IOAI Intraocular Avastin Injection
IOFB intraocular foreign body
IOL intraocular lens
IOLI Intraocular Lucentis Injection
IOOA OU Inferior Oblique Over Action Both Eyes
IOP intraocular pressure
IOSI Intraocular Steroid Injection
IPD interpupilar distance
IR Inferior Rectus Muscle
IRF intra-retinal fluid
IRH intra-retinal hemorrhage
IRMA intraretinal microvascular abnormality
IT inferotemporal
ITA inferior temporal arcade
IVA intravitreal avastin
IVE intravitreal eylea
IVK intravitreal kenalog juvenile open-angle glaucoma
IVL intravitreal lucentis
J1,J2,J3 etc. Test Types for Reading Vision
JOAG juvenile open-angle glaucoma
JODM juvenile onset diabetes mellitus
JRA Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
K cornea
KC keratoconus
KCS keratoconjunctivitis sicca
KED corneal epithelial defect
KP keratic precipitates
Kps keratic precipitates
L HYPO Left Hypotropia
L/M Left message
L&A Light and Accommodation
LD lattice degeneration
LGS Lissamine Green Stain
LH Lid Hygiene
LH Left Hyperphoria
LHT left hypertropia
LIO Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
LKP Lamellar Keratoplasty
LL or L/L lids/lashes
LMTCB Left Message to Call Back
LOE Loss of Eye
LOV Loss of Vision
LP light perception
LPI laser peripheral iridotomy
LR Lateral Rectus (Muscle)
LS lid scrub
LSCD limbal stem cell deficiency
LTG low tension glaucoma
LTP Laser Trabeculoplasty
LWLID Lower Lid Evaluation
M membran dissection
MA microaneurysm
mac macula
MACCK Macular Degeneration Check
MACEV Macular Degeneration Evaluation
MACTEL macular telangiectasia
MAs microaneurysms
MCCE microcystic corneal edema
MCE microcystic edema
MDF Map Dot Finger Print Corneal Dystrophy
MGD meibomian gland dysfunction
MH macular hole
MLD margin limbal distance
MMC Mitomycin C
Mod. Moderate
MP membrane peel or macular pucker
MR Medial Rectus Muscle
MR manifest refraction
MRD margin reflex distance
MRX manifest refraction
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident
MVP or M/V/P macula/vessels/periphery
N5, N6etc. Test Types for Near Vision
NAG Narrow Angle Glaucoma
NAION non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy
NCVH nonclearing vitreous hemorrhage
Ne rep. Do Not Repeat
NFL nerve fiber layer
NI no improvement
Nl NL normal
NLD nasolacrimal duct
NLDO nasolacrimal duct obstruction
NLP no light perception
NP new Patient
NPA Near Point of Accommodation
NPC Near Point of Convergence
NPDR nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy
NR Non-reactive
NRC Normal Retinal Correspondence
NS nuclear sclerosis
NSC nuclear sclerotic cataract
NTG normal tension glaucoma
NV neovascularization
NV or nVA near vision
NVA neovascularization of the angle
NVD neovascularization of the disc
NVE neovascularization elsewhere
NVG neovascular glaucoma
NVI neovascularization of the iris
NVM neovascular membrane
NVS not visually significant
O2 oxygen
OAG open angle glaucoma
occ occasional
OCT optical coherence tomography
OD right eye
ODD optic disc drusen
OGR open globe repair
OHT/OHTN ocular hypertension
OIS ocular ischemic syndrome
ON optic nerve
ONH optic nerve head
Or, Orx Over-Refraction
OS left eye
osc obscuring
OT ocular tension
OU both eyes
PAC primary angle closure
PACG primary angle closure glaucoma
PACS primary angle closure syndrome
PAM potential acuity meter
PAMM paracentral acute middle maculopathy
PAS peripheral anterior synechiae
PBK Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy
PC posterior chamber
PC HAZE Posterior Capsular Haze
PCF posterior capsule fibrosis
PCIOL posterior chamber intraocular lens
PCO posterior capsule opacity
PCP Primary Care Physician
PCT Prism Cover Test
PD phacodonesis OR prism diopter OR pupillary distance
PDG Pigment Dispersion Glaucoma
PDR proliferative diabetic retinopathy
PDS pigment dispersion syndrome
PDT Photodynamic Therapy
PED pigment epithelial detachment
PEE punctate epithelial erosion
PEX pseudoexfoliation
PF Pred Forte (steroid drop)
PFAT preservative free artificial tears
PFC perfluorocarbon
PFO Perfluoron
PFX pseudoexfoliation
PG Pigmentary Glaucoma
PGB pred-gati-brom
PH pinhole
PHNI pinhole no improvement
PI peripheral iridotomy
PK penetrating keratoplasty
PKP penetrating keratoplasty
PMF premacular fibrosis
PO or per os Orally, by Mouth
POAG primary open angle glaucoma
POH past ocular history
POHS presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
PP pars planitis
PPA peripapillary atrophy
PPL pars plana lensectomy
PPV pars plana vitrectomy
PPVD Painless Progressive Decrease of Vision
PR Pneumatic Retinopexy
PRK photorefractive keratectomy
PRN PRO RE NATA: as needed
PRP panretinal photocoagulation
PS posterior synechiae
PSC posterior subcapsular cataract
PTG pterygium
PTK phototherapeutic keratectomy
PVD posterior vitreous detachment
PVR proliferative vitreoretinopathy
PXE pseudoexfoliation
PXF pseudoexfoliation
PXFG pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
PXG pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
PXS pseudoexfoliation syndrome
q.2h. Every 2 Hours
q.h. Every Hour
q.i.d. Four Times Daily
q.s. Quantity Sufficient
qd Daily, Once a Day
qhs Nightly
qo Every Other
R Hypo Right Hypotropia
R/B/MO Risk/Benefits/Management Options
R/D round/dilated
r/o Rule Out
R/R round/regular
R/S reschedule
RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
RAM retinal arterial macroaneurysm
RAPD relative afferent pupillary defect
RD retinal detachment
RE refractive error
RECK Recheck
RECKO Recheck and Orthoptic Exam
REF Refraction
RG ruptured globe
RGP rigid gas permeable
RGR ruptured globe repair
RH Right Hyperphoria
RH retinal hole
RHT Right Hypertropia
RHT right hypertropia
RIPL retinal ischemic perivacular lesions
RK radial keratotomy
RLF retrolental fibroplasia
RND Round/dilated
RNFL retinal nerve fiber layer
ROP retinopathy of prematurity
RP retinitis pigmentosa
RPE retinal pigment epithelium
RRD rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
RT retinal tear
RVO retinal venous occlusion
S without
S/P status post
SAC seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
SB scleral buckle
SC without correction
SCH subconjunctival hemorrhage
SCP superficial capillary plexus
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride
SIHY silicone hydrogel
SIO silicone oil
SIOL silicone IOLS
sl slight
SL66 Soflens 66
SLE slit lamp examination
SLE Slit lamp examination
SLT selective laser trabeculoplasty
SLT Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty
SN superonasal
SN Snellen letter
SNIFR Stellate Nonhereditary Idiopathic Foveomacular Retinoschisis
SO silicone oil
SO Superior Oblique Muscle
sol Solution
SPK superficial punctate keratopathy
SR Superior Rectus Muscle
SRF subretinal fluid
SRH subretinal hemorrhage
SRN Sub Retinal Neovascularization
SRNVM subretinal neovascular membrane
SS Scleral spur
ST Schiotz tension
ST superotemporal
STA superior temporal arcade
STK Subtenons Kenalog Injection
Sub heme Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
Sx Surgery
T Tension (Pressure)
T & C Thin and Clear
t.i.d. Three Times Daily
TA tonometry by applanation
TAC Teller Acuity Cards
Tapp Pressure by Applanation
TBT tear breakup time
TBU Tear Break Up
TBUT tear breakup time
TCAT topography-guided customized ablation treatment
TEARDUCT Tear Duct Evaluation
TKP temporary keratoprosthesis
Tono Tonometer Pressure Check
topo Topography
Tp tonopen
TPK total penetrating keratoprosthesis
TPPV trans pars plana vitrectomy
tr trace
Tr, tr Trace
trab trabeculectomy
TRD tractional retinal detachment
Ttono pressue by tonopen
TVO transient visual obscuration
UBM ultrasound biomicroscopy
uDFE undilated fundus exam
ung ointment
UPLID upperlid evaluation
US ultrasound
V vitrectomy
VA visual acuity
VF visual field
VFFTC vitreous hemorrhage
VH visual fields full to confrontation
vit vitreous
Vit Vitrectomy
VMT vitreomacular traction
VS visually significant
VTX vitrectomy
VZV varicella zoster virus
W Wearing
W/U systemic Workup
W4D Worth 4 Dots
WAVE Wave Scan
WC warm compress
wq white and quiet
WTR with the rule (referring to astigmatism)
X Exophoria for Distance
X’ Exophoria at Near
X’(t) Intermittent Exotropia at Near
X’T Exotropia at Near
X(T) Intermittent Exotropia Distance
X(t) Intermittent Exotropia Distance
X(T) intermittent exotropia
XP Exophoria
XT exotropia
YAG yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser
AAU acute anterior uveitis
ABD Abduction, Turn out
AC Allen Card
AC or A/C anterior chamber
AC/A accommodative convergence per unit of accommodative response
ACC accomodation
ACD anterior chamber depth
ACG angle closure glaucoma
ACIOL anterior chamber intraocular lens
ACT alternate cover test
ADD adduction, turn in, Add
AFGE air fluid gas exchange
AFT/AFTS artificial tears
AFX air fluid exchange
AG Alphagan
AGFX air fluid exchange
AGV Ahmed glaucoma valve
AION acute ischemic optic neuropaty
AL axial length
ALK automated lamellar keratoplasty
ALN Allen Pictures
ALP argon focal laser
ALT argon laser trabeculoplasty
AMD age-related macular degeneration
AMG amniotic membrane graft
AMT amniotic membrane transplant
APCT alternate prism cover test
APD afferent pupillary defect
ARC abnormal retinal correspondence
ARMD age-related macular degeneration
ARN acute retinal necrosis
ARx autorefraction
ASA Aspirina acetylsalicylic acid
ASC anterior subcapsular cataract
AT artificial tears
ATD aqueous tear deficiency
ATR against the rule (referring to astigmatism)
atro atropine
AV anterior vitreous
B bilateral
b.d. twice daily
BCL bandage contact lens
BCVA best corrected visual acuity
BD Base down
BDR background diabetic retinopathy
BI Base in
BID twice daily
BILT IOOA Bilateral Inferior Oblique Over Action
BLL bilateral lower lid
BLLB bilateral lower lid blepharoplasty
BLR Bilateral Lateral Rectus
BMR Bilateral Medial Rectus
BO Base out
BOT No Tears or Breaks in Retina
BP blood pressure
BRAO branch retinal artery occlusion
BRVO branch retinal vein occlusion
BSCL bandage soft contact lens
BSL bandage Soft Contact Lens
BU base up
BUL bilateral upper lid
BULB bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty
BUT Tear Break Up
BV binocular vision OR blood vessel
BVS borderline visually significant
C with
C/D cup to disk ratio
C/O complications
c/o complain of
C/S conjunctiva/sclera
C3F8 perfluoropropane
CA corneal abrasion
CACG chronic angle closure glaucoma
CAG conjunctival autograft
cat cataract
CB ciliary body
CC Cortical Clouding, Cataract
CC with correction
CCT central corneal thickness
CDR cup to disk ratio
CE cataract extraction
CE/IOL cataract extraction with intraocular lens implant
CEIOL cataract extraction with intraocular lens implant
CF counting fingers
CHBL Check / Change / Bandage Lens
CHRPE congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium
CL contact lens
CL THERA Contact Lens Therapeutic Contacts
CME cystoid macular edema
CMT central macular thickness
CMV Cytomegalovirus
CNV choroidal neovascularization
CNVM choroidal neovascular membrane
COAG chronic open-angle glaucoma
CORAB Corneal Abrasion
Cos Cosopt
CPC cyclophotocoagulation
CPM Continue Present Management
CR cycloplegic refraction
CRAO central retinal artery occlusion
CRS chorioretinal scar
CRVO central retinal vein occlusion
CRX cycloplegic refraction
CS cortical spoking
CSC cortical spoking cataract
CSCR central serous chorioretinopathy
CSDME clinically significant diabetic macular edema
CSM central, steady, maintained
CSME clinically significant macular edema
CSR central serous retinopathy
CT cover test
CTL contact lens
CTM continue to monitor
CWS cotton wool spots
D descement OR diopter
D/C discontinue
d/c Discharge
D&Q Deep and Quiet
DALK Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty
DBH dot blot hemorrhage
DCC dacryocystocele
DCCF dural carotid-cavernous fistula
DCP deep capillary plexus
DCR dacryocystorhinostomy
DD disc diameter
DED dry eye disease
DES dry eye syndrome
DFE dilated fundus exam
dil dilate
DM diabetes mellitus
DME diabetic macular edema
DMEK descement membrane endothelial keratoplasty
DMR Double Maddox Rod
DMVP Disc, Macula,Vessels, and Periphery
DQ deep and quiet
DR diabetic retinopathy
DSAEK descement stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty
DSEK Endothelial Keratoplasty
DVA distance visual acuity
E esoforia
E endolaser
E' Esophoria at Near
E'(T) Intermittent Esotropia at Near
E(T) intermittent esotropia
EBMD epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
ECCE extracapsular cataract extraction
ECP Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation
EDTA Chemical Removal of Calcium Deposits
EKC epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
EL endolaser
ELP effective lens position
EOM Extraocular Movement
EOM Extraocular Muscle
EOMB Extraocular Muscle balance
EOMI extraocular movements intact
ERM epiretinal membrane
ET esotropia
ET esotropia for distance
ET' esotropia for near
EUA Exam under Anesthesia
Ext external
EZ ellipsoid zone
F + F Fix and Follow
F/U Follow-up
FA fluorescein angiography
FAF fundus autofluorescence
FAx air fluid exchange
FAZ foveal avascular zone
FB foreign body
FBG fasting blood glucose
FH family history
Fhx family history
Flt flat
FTCF full to counting fingers
FTG full time glasses
FTMH full thickness macular hole
FTP full time patch
FUCHS Fuchs Endothelial Corneal dystrophy
GAT goldmann applanation tonometer
GATT gonioscopy assistend transluminal trabeculectomy
GCC ganglion cell complex
GDI glaucoma drainage implant
gl glasses
GLC glaucoma
GLREF Glasses Refraction
GP gas permeable
GPC giant papillary conjunctivitis
GREM Growth Removal
GS glaucoma suspect
GT Glasses trouble
GT Drop (1)
GTT drops
GTTS drops
GVF goldmann visual field
H/O History of
HCL hard contact lens
HCQ hydroxychloroquine
HD high definition
HM hand motion
HRAO hemi-retinal artery occlusion
HRVO hemi-retinal vein occlusion
HST horseshoe tear
HSV herpes simplex virus
HVF humphrey visual field
HZO herpes zoster ophthalmicus
HZV Herpez Zoster virus
I Indirect laser
i.c. Between Meals
ICCE intracapsular cataract extraction
ICG indocyanine green angiography
ICP intermediate capillary plexus
IMG Inspissateed Meibomian Glands
IN inferonasal
INT-REQ Interpreter Requested
IO inferior oblique
IOAI Intraocular Avastin Injection
IOFB intraocular foreign body
IOL intraocular lens
IOLI Intraocular Lucentis Injection
IOOA OU Inferior Oblique Over Action Both Eyes
IOP intraocular pressure
IOSI Intraocular Steroid Injection
IPD interpupilar distance
IR Inferior Rectus Muscle
IRF intra-retinal fluid
IRH intra-retinal hemorrhage
IRMA intraretinal microvascular abnormality
IT inferotemporal
ITA inferior temporal arcade
IVA intravitreal avastin
IVE intravitreal eylea
IVK intravitreal kenalog juvenile open-angle glaucoma
IVL intravitreal lucentis
J1,J2,J3 etc. Test Types for Reading Vision
JOAG juvenile open-angle glaucoma
JODM juvenile onset diabetes mellitus
JRA Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
K cornea
KC keratoconus
KCS keratoconjunctivitis sicca
KED corneal epithelial defect
KP keratic precipitates
Kps keratic precipitates
L HYPO Left Hypotropia
L/M Left message
L&A Light and Accommodation
LD lattice degeneration
LGS Lissamine Green Stain
LH Lid Hygiene
LH Left Hyperphoria
LHT left hypertropia
LIO Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
LKP Lamellar Keratoplasty
LL or L/L lids/lashes
LMTCB Left Message to Call Back
LOE Loss of Eye
LOV Loss of Vision
LP light perception
LPI laser peripheral iridotomy
LR Lateral Rectus (Muscle)
LS lid scrub
LSCD limbal stem cell deficiency
LTG low tension glaucoma
LTP Laser Trabeculoplasty
LWLID Lower Lid Evaluation
M membran dissection
MA microaneurysm
mac macula
MACCK Macular Degeneration Check
MACEV Macular Degeneration Evaluation
MACTEL macular telangiectasia
MAs microaneurysms
MCCE microcystic corneal edema
MCE microcystic edema
MDF Map Dot Finger Print Corneal Dystrophy
MGD meibomian gland dysfunction
MH macular hole
MLD margin limbal distance
MMC Mitomycin C
Mod. Moderate
MP membrane peel or macular pucker
MR Medial Rectus Muscle
MR manifest refraction
MRD margin reflex distance
MRX manifest refraction
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident
MVP or M/V/P macula/vessels/periphery
N5, N6etc. Test Types for Near Vision
NAG Narrow Angle Glaucoma
NAION non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy
NCVH nonclearing vitreous hemorrhage
Ne rep. Do Not Repeat
NFL nerve fiber layer
NI no improvement
Nl NL normal
NLD nasolacrimal duct
NLDO nasolacrimal duct obstruction
NLP no light perception
NP new Patient
NPA Near Point of Accommodation
NPC Near Point of Convergence
NPDR nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy
NR Non-reactive
NRC Normal Retinal Correspondence
NS nuclear sclerosis
NSC nuclear sclerotic cataract
NTG normal tension glaucoma
NV neovascularization
NV or nVA near vision
NVA neovascularization of the angle
NVD neovascularization of the disc
NVE neovascularization elsewhere
NVG neovascular glaucoma
NVI neovascularization of the iris
NVM neovascular membrane
NVS not visually significant
O2 oxygen
OAG open angle glaucoma
occ occasional
OCT optical coherence tomography
OD right eye
ODD optic disc drusen
OGR open globe repair
OHT/OHTN ocular hypertension
OIS ocular ischemic syndrome
ON optic nerve
ONH optic nerve head
Or, Orx Over-Refraction
OS left eye
osc obscuring
OT ocular tension
OU both eyes
PAC primary angle closure
PACG primary angle closure glaucoma
PACS primary angle closure syndrome
PAM potential acuity meter
PAMM paracentral acute middle maculopathy
PAS peripheral anterior synechiae
PBK Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy
PC posterior chamber
PC HAZE Posterior Capsular Haze
PCF posterior capsule fibrosis
PCIOL posterior chamber intraocular lens
PCO posterior capsule opacity
PCP Primary Care Physician
PCT Prism Cover Test
PD phacodonesis OR prism diopter OR pupillary distance
PDG Pigment Dispersion Glaucoma
PDR proliferative diabetic retinopathy
PDS pigment dispersion syndrome
PDT Photodynamic Therapy
PED pigment epithelial detachment
PEE punctate epithelial erosion
PEX pseudoexfoliation
PF Pred Forte (steroid drop)
PFAT preservative free artificial tears
PFC perfluorocarbon
PFO Perfluoron
PFX pseudoexfoliation
PG Pigmentary Glaucoma
PGB pred-gati-brom
PH pinhole
PHNI pinhole no improvement
PI peripheral iridotomy
PK penetrating keratoplasty
PKP penetrating keratoplasty
PMF premacular fibrosis
PO or per os Orally, by Mouth
POAG primary open angle glaucoma
POH past ocular history
POHS presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
PP pars planitis
PPA peripapillary atrophy
PPL pars plana lensectomy
PPV pars plana vitrectomy
PPVD Painless Progressive Decrease of Vision
PR Pneumatic Retinopexy
PRK photorefractive keratectomy
PRN PRO RE NATA: as needed
PRP panretinal photocoagulation
PS posterior synechiae
PSC posterior subcapsular cataract
PTG pterygium
PTK phototherapeutic keratectomy
PVD posterior vitreous detachment
PVR proliferative vitreoretinopathy
PXE pseudoexfoliation
PXF pseudoexfoliation
PXFG pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
PXG pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
PXS pseudoexfoliation syndrome
q.2h. Every 2 Hours
q.h. Every Hour
q.i.d. Four Times Daily
q.s. Quantity Sufficient
qd Daily, Once a Day
qhs Nightly
qo Every Other
R Hypo Right Hypotropia
R/B/MO Risk/Benefits/Management Options
R/D round/dilated
r/o Rule Out
R/R round/regular
R/S reschedule
RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
RAM retinal arterial macroaneurysm
RAPD relative afferent pupillary defect
RD retinal detachment
RE refractive error
RECK Recheck
RECKO Recheck and Orthoptic Exam
REF Refraction
RG ruptured globe
RGP rigid gas permeable
RGR ruptured globe repair
RH Right Hyperphoria
RH retinal hole
RHT Right Hypertropia
RHT right hypertropia
RIPL retinal ischemic perivacular lesions
RK radial keratotomy
RLF retrolental fibroplasia
RND Round/dilated
RNFL retinal nerve fiber layer
ROP retinopathy of prematurity
RP retinitis pigmentosa
RPE retinal pigment epithelium
RRD rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
RT retinal tear
RVO retinal venous occlusion
S without
S/P status post
SAC seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
SB scleral buckle
SC without correction
SCH subconjunctival hemorrhage
SCP superficial capillary plexus
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride
SIHY silicone hydrogel
SIO silicone oil
SIOL silicone IOLS
sl slight
SL66 Soflens 66
SLE slit lamp examination
SLE Slit lamp examination
SLT selective laser trabeculoplasty
SLT Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty
SN superonasal
SN Snellen letter
SNIFR Stellate Nonhereditary Idiopathic Foveomacular Retinoschisis
SO silicone oil
SO Superior Oblique Muscle
sol Solution
SPK superficial punctate keratopathy
SR Superior Rectus Muscle
SRF subretinal fluid
SRH subretinal hemorrhage
SRN Sub Retinal Neovascularization
SRNVM subretinal neovascular membrane
SS Scleral spur
ST Schiotz tension
ST superotemporal
STA superior temporal arcade
STK Subtenons Kenalog Injection
Sub heme Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
Sx Surgery
T Tension (Pressure)
T & C Thin and Clear
t.i.d. Three Times Daily
TA tonometry by applanation
TAC Teller Acuity Cards
Tapp Pressure by Applanation
TBT tear breakup time
TBU Tear Break Up
TBUT tear breakup time
TCAT topography-guided customized ablation treatment
TEARDUCT Tear Duct Evaluation
TKP temporary keratoprosthesis
Tono Tonometer Pressure Check
topo Topography
Tp tonopen
TPK total penetrating keratoprosthesis
TPPV trans pars plana vitrectomy
tr trace
Tr, tr Trace
trab trabeculectomy
TRD tractional retinal detachment
Ttono pressue by tonopen
TVO transient visual obscuration
UBM ultrasound biomicroscopy
uDFE undilated fundus exam
ung ointment
UPLID upperlid evaluation
US ultrasound
V vitrectomy
VA visual acuity
VF visual field
VFFTC vitreous hemorrhage
VH visual fields full to confrontation
vit vitreous
Vit Vitrectomy
VMT vitreomacular traction
VS visually significant
VTX vitrectomy
VZV varicella zoster virus
W Wearing
W/U systemic Workup
W4D Worth 4 Dots
WAVE Wave Scan
WC warm compress
wq white and quiet
WTR with the rule (referring to astigmatism)
X Exophoria for Distance
X’ Exophoria at Near
X’(t) Intermittent Exotropia at Near
X’T Exotropia at Near
X(T) Intermittent Exotropia Distance
X(t) Intermittent Exotropia Distance
X(T) intermittent exotropia
XP Exophoria
XT exotropia
YAG yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser